RuneScape’s amazing soundtrack

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runescape music

runescape music

How much music does the average MMO contain? It depends, of course, but I doubt that many games are able to reach the number that RuneScape does. Are you ready for it? It’s 982 tracks. I’m dead serious. It’s not just that RuneScape has been out since the beginning of the internet but that the team continues to add new music regularly. It’s really insane — just check out this list of updates

What’s even neater is that RuneScape treats its music as unlockable content, just like other types of rewards. So while you start out with 70 or so tracks in your in-game music player, you’ll have to go to certain places or perform certain feats to get the rest. Why have I never heard of this before? That’s brilliant!

So obviously, even if I had all 982 tracks on my computer (which I do not), I’m not going to take a week off of work to review them all for you. I love you, but that love has limits. Instead, I’ve listened to perhaps a tenth of that (including the new stuff by Composer James Hannigan) and chosen a few tracks to share that I feel exemplify this MMO’s score.

1. RuneScape 3 Official Theme
Man, this new orchestral track brings the power to the first note and keeps it going strong. It actually reminded me a bit of the opening beats of Oblivion’s theme, although this tune quicky diverges into, shall we say, familiar fantasy tropes? I mean, it’s a great track, don’t get me wrong, but it’s not going out on a limb either.

2. Arise Hero
This track gives me chills. I think that when I first heard this, I realized that I was doing my MMO musical education a disservice by not paying closer attention to RuneScape. Anyway, this is a short and incredibly epic piece that apparently takes place when your character is being knighted. I could totally see a movie trailer using this as its theme — that’s how emotionally powerful it is.

3.Supreme Champions
When is the cello not awesome? C’mon. However, it’s kind of an odd pick for an action piece, a piece that gets even more odd as it progresses. There’s a hint of darkness and of industrial noise in here, but altogether it’s pretty memorable.

4. Player-Owned Ports Ahoy!
Another reason I admire RuneScape is that its devs have a particular fondness for putting sea shanties on the soundtrack. Even more than that, they’re not afraid to make a music video of them performing one. This is that track. Any words that I write here will pale compared to what you’ll witness if you watch the above video. It is pure majesty.

So what’s your favorite Runescape music ?