Play Runescape in Full Screen Mode By Yourself

Play Runescape in Full Screen Mode for Free!

get full runescape screen

In this instructable, I will show you how to play Runescape in as close as you can get full screen mode.
If you need some Runescape Gold you can click here! And following is the way to get full sreen:
What you need:

*Internet explorer 8
*An internet connection 😀
*A FREE runescape account (if you already have a members account, then just use the full screen option, duh!)
*Common Sense!

This method involves using the zoom function in internet explorer 8. This only works on Runescape, not other funorb games.

Step 1: Get the Browser

Get the Browser

If you already have Internet Explorer 8, then you can skip this step.

Download Internet Explorer HERE:

Step 2: Make your way to the game

Make your way to the game

Ok, if you have played runescape before, then you should know what to do.

Or not…

2a. open your browser to
2b. click on the big yellow button that says “Click Here to Play”
2c. let the game load

or you could just take the shortcut…but it’s your choice
Step 3: Internet Explorer-Side modifications

Internet Explorer-Side modifications-1

Internet Explorer-Side modifications-4Internet Explorer-Side modifications-3

Internet Explorer-Side modifications-4

Ok, this is what you’ve all been waiting for! Fullscreen for free users!

First, Switch your shiny new browser to full screen mode by clicking Tools>Full Screen, or just press F11…

Next, go to the little magnifying glass down at the right hand corner of your screen, click the arrow, then custom zoom. Set it to 140 and hit enter and close the zoomo box windo.

Finally, scroll almost all the way down using the scroll bar (see picture)

Step 4: Runescape Side Modifications

Runescape Side Modifications

Ok, the Final Step!

Open the options Tab by clicking on the Hammer & wrench icon.

Under Display Mode, select one that works on your computer and internet connection. I use Standard.

Under Screen Sizing, select RESIZABLE. This resizes runescape with the browser, which is why this workaround works.

Under Advanced, pick what you want detail wise. Do the same with Volume and Animated Backrounds.

Close it and wahoo! Full Screen for Free Users!
Step 5: All Done

All Done

And there you have it! Be sure to rate and comment! I have a video summery uploading to my server, maybe it’ll be ready by this afternoon. Enjoy!