Runesacape Treasure Hunter-stand a chance of winning an egg

Six Easter eggs to transform you into adorable critters are up for grabs this weekend on Treasure Hunter!

egg treasure hunter

Open a chest from Thursday (01:00 BST) to stand a chance of winning an egg and may be a little RS Gold. There are three magical eggs and three enchanted eggs.

Bag yourself a magical egg and you’ll have two options: eat it and heal 200HP, or use it to transform into one of three lovable Easter animals! Depending on which magical egg you have, you’ll transmogrify into a chick, a bunny or a lamb. Move or wait for a brief period to change back.

Once you’ve used a magical egg, it’ll disappear from your inventory. Not so with an enchanted egg! These Easter treats can’t be eaten and can be used as many times as you like to transform into its associated creature – for a longer duration, too!

Win these Easter eggs by unlocking the chests of Treasure Hunter betweenThursday 17th April 01:00 BST and Tuesday 22nd April 00:59 BSTGet help converting this to your local time. Everyone gets at least one Key per day, andRuneScape members get two. You can earn more through gameplay – visit the wikito find out how, as well as for full details of Treasure Hunter itself.

You can purchase Keys on our billing page, redeem Bonds in-game, or click ‘Buy Keys’ in the Treasure Hunter interface.