How to get party hat in Runescape

As the development of Runescape,a party hat has become one of the most rare and expensive items in runescape. Although you can save millions of gold to purchase a party hat through the Grand Exchange, the only method to obtain a free party hat is through the Falador Party Room:a place where players can donate items to other players on Runescape. Players often donate to this room when they no longer wish to play the game.



A party hat drop is very rare. In order to obtain a party hat, you must be persistent and patient. If you are not that, you also can buy one off another player, since it is rare there is no other way to get it. It was dropped on Christams 2003 as part of a Gift obtained from using a Christmas cracker on other players, one player would get a party hat and the other would get a toy.

The party-hats colour was random since it has 6 colors. Price value greatest to least of each colour is: blue, white, red, green, yellow and purple. This is by ranked by the street value they are traded for. In RuneScape Classic, all partyhats were simply named “partyhat” and were only distinguishable by the colour of the item. However, purple partyhats were coloured magenta in RuneScape Classic.

But now the only legal way to get phat is to buy it from GE or another player anyway.So we would like to give you some suggestion, party hat cost upwards of 100m rs gold,so please don’t try to use bots to get them ,you will either be banned life or will get your account stolen.

If you are too lazy to get it by yourself. You can buy rs gold from us and then you can use the gold to exchange one party hat from the GE. You can also sell runescape gold to us for a partyhat. Anyway, we offer many different kinds of service.